Source code for xpmir.neural.generative

from typing import List
from abc import abstractmethod

import torch
from xpmir.learning.optim import Module
from xpmir.utils.utils import easylog

logger = easylog()

class StepwiseGenerator:
    """Utility class for generating one token at a time"""

    def init(self, texts: List[str]) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Returns the distribution over the first generated tokens (BxV)
        given the texts"""

    def step(self, token_ids: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Returns the distribution over next tokens (BxV), given the last
        generates ones (B)"""

[docs]class IdentifierGenerator(Module): """Models that generate an identifier given a document or a query""" @abstractmethod def stepwise_iterator(self) -> StepwiseGenerator: pass