Source code for xpmir.neural

import itertools
from typing import Iterable, List, Optional
import torch
from xpmir.learning.batchers import Sliceable

from xpmir.learning.context import TrainerContext
from xpmir.letor.records import BaseRecords
from xpmir.rankers import LearnableScorer

[docs]class DualRepresentationScorer(LearnableScorer): """Neural scorer based on (at least a partially) independent representation of the document and the question. This is the base class for all scorers that depend on a map of cosine/inner products between query and document tokens. """ def forward(self, inputs: BaseRecords, info: Optional[TrainerContext] = None): # Forward to model enc_queries = self.encode_queries( [q.topic.get_text() for q in inputs.unique_queries] ) enc_documents = self.encode_documents( [d.document.get_text() for d in inputs.unique_documents] ) # Get the pairs pairs = inputs.pairs() q_ix, d_ix = pairs # TODO: Use a product query x document if possible return self.score_pairs( enc_queries[ q_ix, ], enc_documents[ d_ix, ], info, ) def encode(self, texts: Iterable[str]): """Encode a list of texts (document or query) The return value is model dependent""" raise NotImplementedError() def encode_documents(self, texts: Iterable[str]) -> Sliceable: """Encode a list of texts (document or query) The return value is model dependent""" return self.encode(texts) def encode_queries(self, texts: Iterable[str]) -> Sliceable: """Encode a list of texts (document or query) The return value is model dependent, but should be sliceable By default, uses `merge` """ return self.encode(texts) def merge_queries(self, list): """Merge query batches encoded with `encode_queries` By default, uses `merge` """ return self.merge(list) def merge_documents(self, list): """Merge query batches encoded with `encode_documents`""" return self.merge(list) def merge(self, objects): """Merge objects - for tensors, uses - for lists, concatenate all of them """ assert isinstance(objects, List), "Merging can only be done with lists" if isinstance(objects[0], torch.Tensor): return if isinstance(objects[0], List): return list(itertools.chain(objects)) raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot deal with objects of type {type(list[0])}")
[docs] def score_product( self, queries, documents, info: Optional[TrainerContext] ) -> torch.Tensor: """Computes the score of all possible pairs of query and document Args: queries (Any): The encoded queries documents (Any): The encoded documents info (Optional[TrainerContext]): The training context (if learning) Returns: torch.Tensor: A tensor of dimension (N, P) where N is the number of queries and P the number of documents """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def score_pairs( self, queries, documents, info: Optional[TrainerContext] ) -> torch.Tensor: """Score the specified pairs of queries/documents. There are as many queries as documents. The exact type of queries and documents depends on the specific instance of the dual representation scorer. Args: queries (Any): The list of encoded queries documents (Any): The matching list of encoded documents info (Optional[TrainerContext]): _description_ Returns: torch.Tensor: A tensor of dimension (N) where N is the number of documents/queries """ raise NotImplementedError()