Source code for xpmir.neural.dual

from typing import List, Optional
import torch
from experimaestro import Param
from xpmir.distributed import DistributableModel
from xpmir.learning.batchers import Batcher
from xpmir.neural import DualRepresentationScorer
from xpmir.rankers import Retriever
from xpmir.utils.utils import easylog, foreach
from xpmir.text.encoders import TextEncoder
from xpmir.learning.context import Loss, TrainerContext, TrainingHook
from xpmir.learning.metrics import ScalarMetric

logger = easylog()

[docs]class DualVectorListener(TrainingHook): """Listener called with the (vectorial) representation of queries and documents The hook is called just after the computation of documents and queries representations. This can be used for logging purposes, but more importantly, to add regularization losses such as the :class:`FlopsRegularizer` regularizer. """
[docs] def __call__( self, context: TrainerContext, queries: torch.Tensor, documents: torch.Tensor ): """Hook handler Args: context (TrainerContext): The training context queries (torch.Tensor): The query vectors documents (torch.Tensor): The document vectors Raises: NotImplementedError: _description_ """ raise NotImplementedError(f"__call__ in {self.__class__}")
[docs]class DualVectorScorer(DualRepresentationScorer): """A scorer based on dual vectorial representations""" pass
[docs]class Dense(DualVectorScorer): """A scorer based on a pair of (query, document) dense vectors""" encoder: Param[TextEncoder] """The document (and potentially query) encoder""" query_encoder: Param[Optional[TextEncoder]] """The query encoder (optional, if not defined uses the query_encoder)""" def __validate__(self): super().__validate__() assert not self.encoder.static(), "The vocabulary should be learnable" def __initialize__(self, options): self.encoder.initialize(options) if self.query_encoder: self.query_encoder.initialize(options) def score_product(self, queries, documents, info: Optional[TrainerContext]): return queries @ documents.T def score_pairs(self, queries, documents, info: TrainerContext): scores = (queries.unsqueeze(1) @ documents.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1) # Apply the dual vector hook if info is not None: foreach( info.hooks(DualVectorListener), lambda hook: hook(info, queries, documents), ) return scores @property def _query_encoder(self): return self.query_encoder or self.encoder
[docs] @classmethod def from_sentence_transformers(cls, hf_id: str, **kwargs): """Creates a dense model from a Sentence transformer The list can be found on HuggingFace :param hf_id: The HuggingFace ID """ from xpmir.text.huggingface import SentenceTransformerTextEncoder encoder = SentenceTransformerTextEncoder(hf_id) return cls(encoder, **kwargs)
[docs]class CosineDense(Dense): """Dual model based on cosine similarity.""" def encode_queries(self, texts): queries = (self.query_encoder or self.encoder)(texts) return queries / queries.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True) def encode_documents(self, texts): documents = self.encoder(texts) return documents / documents.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
[docs]class DotDense(Dense, DistributableModel): """Dual model based on inner product.""" def __validate__(self): super().__validate__() assert not self.encoder.static(), "The vocabulary should be learnable" def encode_queries(self, texts: List[str]): """Encode the different queries""" return self._query_encoder(texts) def encode_documents(self, texts: List[str]): """Encode the different documents""" return self.encoder(texts) def getRetriever( self, retriever: "Retriever", batch_size: int, batcher: Batcher, device=None ): from xpmir.rankers.full import FullRetrieverRescorer return FullRetrieverRescorer( documents=retriever.documents, scorer=self, batchsize=batch_size, batcher=batcher, device=device, )
[docs]class FlopsRegularizer(DualVectorListener): r"""The FLOPS regularizer computes .. math:: FLOPS(q,d) = \lambda_q FLOPS(q) + \lambda_d FLOPS(d) where .. math:: FLOPS(x) = \left( \frac{1}{d} \sum_{i=1}^d |x_i| \right)^2 """ lambda_q: Param[float] """Lambda for queries""" lambda_d: Param[float] """Lambda for documents""" def compute(x: torch.Tensor): """ :param x: term vectors (batch size x vocabulary dimension) :returns: A couple (vocabulary dimension / FLOPS regularizations) """ # Computes the mean for each term (weights are positive) y = x.mean(0) # Returns the sum of squared means return y, (y * y).sum() def __call__(self, info: TrainerContext, queries, documents): # queries and documents are length x dimension # Assumes that all weights are positive assert info.metrics is not None # q of shape (dimension), flops_q of shape (1) q, flops_q = FlopsRegularizer.compute(queries) d, flops_d = FlopsRegularizer.compute(documents) flops = self.lambda_d * flops_d + self.lambda_q * flops_q info.add_loss(Loss("flops", flops, 1.0)) info.metrics.add(ScalarMetric("flops", flops.item(), 1)) info.metrics.add(ScalarMetric("flops_q", flops_q.item(), 1)) info.metrics.add(ScalarMetric("flops_d", flops_d.item(), 1)) with torch.no_grad(): info.metrics.add( ScalarMetric( "sparsity_q", torch.count_nonzero(queries).item() / (queries.shape[0] * queries.shape[1]), len(q), ) ) info.metrics.add( ScalarMetric( "sparsity_d", torch.count_nonzero(documents).item() / (documents.shape[0] * documents.shape[1]), len(d), ) )
[docs]class ScheduledFlopsRegularizer(FlopsRegularizer): """ The FLOPS regularizer where the lamdba_q and lambda_d varie according to the steps. The lambda values goes quadratic before the ```lambda_warmup_steps```, and then remains constant """ min_lambda_q: Param[float] = 0 """Min value for the lambda_q before it increase""" min_lambda_d: Param[float] = 0 """Min value for the lambda_d before it increase""" lambda_warmup_steps: Param[int] = 0 """The warmup steps for the lambda""" def quadratic_ratio(self, step): if step > self.lambda_warmup_steps: return 1 else: return (step / self.lambda_warmup_steps) ** 2 def __post_init__(self): self.initial_lambda_q = self.lambda_q self.initial_lambda_d = self.lambda_d def __call__(self, info: TrainerContext, queries, documents): current_step = info.steps self.lambda_q = ( self.initial_lambda_q - self.min_lambda_q ) * self.quadratic_ratio(current_step) + self.min_lambda_q self.lambda_d = ( self.initial_lambda_d - self.min_lambda_d ) * self.quadratic_ratio(current_step) + self.min_lambda_d FlopsRegularizer.__call__(self, info, queries, documents)