Source code for xpmir.neural.colbert

# ColBERT implementation
# From

from typing import List
from experimaestro import Constant, Param, default, Annotated
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from xpmir.learning.context import TrainerContext
from xpmir.letor.records import BaseRecords
from xpmir.neural.interaction import InteractionScorer
from .common import Similarity, CosineSimilarity

[docs]class Colbert(InteractionScorer): """ColBERT model Implementation of the Colbert model from: Khattab, Omar, and Matei Zaharia. “ColBERT: Efficient and Effective Passage Search via Contextualized Late Interaction over BERT.” SIGIR 2020, Xi'An, China For the standard Colbert model, use BERT as the vocab(ulary) """ version: Constant[int] = 2 """Current version of the code (changes when a bug is found)""" masktoken: Param[bool] = True """Whether a [MASK] token should be used instead of padding""" querytoken: Param[bool] = True """Whether a specific query token should be used as a prefix to the question""" doctoken: Param[bool] = True """Whether a specific document token should be used as a prefix to the document""" similarity: Annotated[Similarity, default(CosineSimilarity())] """Which similarity to use""" linear_dim: Param[int] = 128 """Size of the last linear layer (before computing inner products)""" compression_size: Param[int] = 128 """Projection layer for the last layer (or 0 if None)""" def __validate__(self): super().__validate__() assert not self.vocab.static(), "The vocabulary should be learnable" assert self.compression_size >= 0, "Last layer size should be 0 or above" # TODO: implement the "official" Colbert assert not self.masktoken, "Not implemented" assert not self.querytoken, "Not implemented" assert not self.doctoken, "Not implemented" def __initialize__(self, options): super().__initialize__(options) self.linear = nn.Linear(self.vocab.dim(), self.linear_dim, bias=False) def _encode(self, texts: List[str], maskoutput=False): tokens = self.vocab.batch_tokenize(texts, mask=maskoutput) output = self.linear(self.vocab(tokens)) if maskoutput: mask = tokens.mask.unsqueeze(2).float().to(output.device) output = output * mask return F.normalize(output, p=2, dim=2) def _forward(self, inputs: BaseRecords, info: TrainerContext = None): queries = self._encode([qr.topic.get_text() for qr in inputs.queries], False) documents = self._encode( [dr.document.get_text() for dr in inputs.documents], True ) return self.similarity(queries, documents)