Source code for xpmir.neural.interaction.common

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Union, Sequence
from attrs import evolve

import torch
from attrs import define
from experimaestro import Config

[docs]@define class SimilarityInput(Sequence["SimilarityInput"]): value: torch.Tensor """A 3D tensor (batch x max_length x dim)""" mask: torch.BoolTensor """Mask for tokens of shape (batch x max_length)""" def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> "SimilarityInput": return SimilarityInput(self.value[index], self.mask[index]) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.value)
@define class SimilarityInputWithTokens(SimilarityInput): tokens: List[List[str]] """A 3D tensor (batch x max_length x dim)""" def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> "SimilarityInput": return SimilarityInputWithTokens( self.value[index], self.mask[index], self.tokens[index] )
[docs]@define class SimilarityOutput(ABC): """Output for token similarities""" similarity: torch.Tensor """Similarity of each token The shape (Bq x Lq x Bd x Ld) when computing products, or (B x Lq x Ld) when computing pairs""" @abstractmethod def q_view(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ... @abstractmethod def d_view(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ...
@define class PairsSimilarityOutput(SimilarityOutput): def q_view(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return x.unsqueeze(2) def d_view(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return x.unsqueeze(1) @define class ProductSimilarityOutput(SimilarityOutput): def d_view(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return x.reshape(1, 1, *x.shape) def q_view(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return x.reshape(*x.shape, 1, 1)
[docs]class Similarity(Config, ABC): """Base class for similarity between two texts representations (3D tensor batch x length x dim)""" def preprocess(self, encoded: SimilarityInput) -> SimilarityInput: """Optional preprocessing""" return encoded @abstractmethod def compute_pairs( self, queries: SimilarityInput, documents: SimilarityInput, ) -> SimilarityOutput: """Computes the score of queries and documents :param queries: Queries as a (B1 x L1 x dim) tensor :param documents: Documents as a (B2 x L2 x dim) tensor with B2 = B1 if product is False :param product: Computes the scores between all queries and documents :return: The score of all topics/documents (B1 x B2) """ ... @abstractmethod def compute_product( self, queries: SimilarityInput, documents: SimilarityInput, ) -> SimilarityOutput: """Computes the score of queries and documents :param queries: Queries as a (B x L1 x dim) tensor :param documents: Documents as a (B x L2 x dim) tensor with B2 = B1 if product is False :param product: Computes the scores between all queries and documents :return: The similarity of query/document pairs (B) """ ...
[docs]class DotProductSimilarity(Similarity): def compute_product( self, queries: SimilarityInput, documents: SimilarityInput, ): q = queries.value d = documents.value # Bq x Lq x Bd x Ld inner = (q.flatten(0, 1) @ d.flatten(0, 1).transpose(0, 1)).reshape( q.shape[:2] + d.shape[:2] ) # Max on document tokens, sum over query tokens return ProductSimilarityOutput(inner) def compute_pairs( self, queries: SimilarityInput, documents: SimilarityInput, ): q = queries.value d = documents.value # B x Lq x Ld assert len(q) == len(d), "Batch sizes don't match" inner = q @ d.transpose(1, 2) return PairsSimilarityOutput(inner)
[docs]class CosineSimilarity(DotProductSimilarity): """Cosine similarity between two texts representations (3D tensor batch x length x dim)""" def preprocess(self, output: SimilarityInput): value = output.value / output.value.norm(p="fro", dim=-1, keepdim=True) return evolve(output, value=value)