Source code for xpmir.learning.learner

from enum import Enum
import logging
import torch
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Any
from experimaestro import (
import numpy as np
from xpmir.context import Hook, InitializationHook
from xpmir.utils.utils import EasyLogger, easylog, foreach
from xpmir.learning.devices import DEFAULT_DEVICE, Device, DeviceInformation
from xpmir.learning import Random, ModuleInitMode
from xpmir.learning.trainers import Trainer
from xpmir.learning.context import (
from xpmir.learning.metrics import Metrics

from .optim import (
from .batchers import RecoverableOOMError

logger = easylog()

class LearnerListenerStatus(Enum):
    STOP = 1
    DONT_STOP = 2

    def update(self, other: "LearnerListenerStatus") -> "LearnerListenerStatus":
        return LearnerListenerStatus(max(self.value, other.value))

[docs]class LearnerListener(Config): """Hook for learner Performs some operations after a learning epoch""" id: Meta[str] """Unique ID to identify the listener (ignored for signature)""" def initialize(self, learner: "Learner", context: TrainerContext): self.learner = learner self.context = context
[docs] def __call__(self, state: TrainState) -> LearnerListenerStatus: """Process and returns whether the training process should stop""" return LearnerListenerStatus.NO_DECISION
def update_metrics(self, metrics: Dict[str, float]): """Add metrics""" pass def task_outputs(self, learner: "Learner", dep): """Outputs from this listeners (deprecated) :param learner: The learner object :param dep: The function that adds a dependency """ raise DeprecationWarning("task_outputs has been deprecated, use init_task") def init_task(self, learner: "Learner", dep): """Returns the initialization task that loads the associated checkpoint :param learner: The learner object :param dep: The function that adds a dependency """ return None
[docs]class LearnerOutput(NamedTuple): """The data structure for the output of a learner. It contains a dictionary where the key is the name of the listener and the value is the output of that listener""" listeners: Dict[str, Any] learned_model: ModuleLoader
[docs]class Learner(Task, EasyLogger): """Model Learner The learner task is generic, and takes two main arguments: (1) the model defines the model (e.g. DRMM), and (2) the trainer defines how the model should be trained (e.g. pointwise, pairwise, etc.) When submitted, it returns a dictionary based on the `listeners` """ # Training random: Param[Random] """The random generator""" trainer: Param[Trainer] """Specifies how to train the model""" model: Param[Module] """Defines the model to be learned. If multiple models are used, one can use MultipleModel. """ max_epochs: Param[int] = 1000 """Maximum number of epochs""" steps_per_epoch: Param[int] = 128 """Number of steps for one epoch (after each epoch results are logged)""" use_fp16: Param[bool] = False """Use mixed precision when training""" optimizers: Param[List[ParameterOptimizer]] """The list of parameter optimizers""" listeners: Param[List[LearnerListener]] """Listeners are in charge of handling the validation of the model, and saving the relevant checkpoints""" checkpoint_interval: Param[int] = 1 """Number of epochs between each checkpoint""" logpath: Annotated[Path, pathgenerator("runs")] """The path to the tensorboard logs""" checkpointspath: Annotated[Path, pathgenerator("checkpoints")] """The path to the checkpoints""" device: Meta[Device] = DEFAULT_DEVICE """The device(s) to be used for the model""" hooks: Param[List[Hook]] = [] """Global learning hooks :class:`Initialization hooks <xpmir.context.InitializationHook>` are called before and after the initialization of the trainer and listeners. """ use_pretasks: Meta[bool] = False """Use deprected pre-tasks as the output""" def __validate__(self): assert self.optimizers, "At least one optimizer should be defined" assert len(set( for listener in self.listeners)) == len( self.listeners ), "IDs of listeners should be unique" return super().__validate__() def task_outputs(self, dep) -> LearnerOutput: """Object returned when submitting the task""" if self.use_pretasks: logging.warn("Using deprecated pre-tasks in Learner") return LearnerOutput( listeners={ listener.task_outputs(self, dep) for listener in self.listeners }, learned_model=ModuleLoader.construct( self.model, self.last_checkpoint_path / TrainState.MODEL_PATH, dep ), ) return LearnerOutput( listeners={ listener.init_task(self, dep) for listener in self.listeners }, learned_model=dep( ModuleLoader( value=self.model, path=self.last_checkpoint_path / TrainState.MODEL_PATH, ) ), ) @property def last_checkpoint_path(self): return self.checkpointspath / "last" def execute(self): self.device.execute(self.device_execute) def device_execute(self, device_information: DeviceInformation): logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.optimizer = ScheduledOptimizer() self.only_cached = False self.context = TrainerContext( device_information, self.logpath, self.checkpointspath, self.max_epochs, self.steps_per_epoch, self.trainer, self.model, self.optimizer, ) for hook in self.hooks: self.context.add_hook(hook) # Call hooks foreach( self.context.hooks(InitializationHook), lambda hook: hook.before(self.context), ) # Sets the random seed seed = self.random.state.randint((2**32) - 1) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) # Initialize the scorer and trainer"model initialization") self.model.initialize(ModuleInitMode.DEFAULT.to_options(self.random.state)) # Initialize the context and the listeners self.trainer.initialize(self.random.state, self.context) for listener in self.listeners: listener.initialize(self, self.context)"Moving model to device %s", device_information.device) num_training_steps = self.max_epochs * self.steps_per_epoch self.optimizer.initialize( self.optimizers, num_training_steps, self.model, self.use_fp16, hooks=[hook for hook in self.hooks if isinstance(hook, OptimizationHook)], trainer_context=self.context, ) foreach( self.context.hooks(InitializationHook), lambda hook: hook.after(self.context), )"Starting to train") current = 0 state = None with tqdm( total=self.max_epochs, desc=f"Training ({self.max_epochs} epochs)" ) as tqdm_epochs: for state in self.iter_train(device_information): # Report progress tqdm_epochs.update(state.epoch - current) current = state.epoch if state.epoch >= 0 and not self.only_cached: message = f"epoch {state.epoch}" if state.cached: self.logger.debug(f"[train] [cached] {message}") else: self.logger.debug(f"[train] {message}") if state.epoch == -1: continue if not state.cached and state.epoch % self.checkpoint_interval == 0: # Save checkpoint if needed self.context.save_checkpoint() self.context.copy(self.last_checkpoint_path) # Call listeners decision = LearnerListenerStatus.NO_DECISION for listener in self.listeners: # listener.__call__ returns True if we should stop decision = decision.update(listener(state)) if decision == LearnerListenerStatus.STOP: self.logger.warn( "stopping after epoch {epoch} ({early_stop} epochs) since " "all listeners asked for it" ) break # Stop if max epoch is reached if self.context.epoch >= self.max_epochs: self.logger.warning( "stopping after epoch {max_epochs} (max_epoch)".format( **self.__dict__ ) ) break # End of the learning process if state is not None and not state.cached: # Set the hyper-parameters metrics = {} for listener in self.listeners: listener.update_metrics(metrics) self.context.writer.add_hparams(getattr(self, "__tags__", {}), metrics) def iter_train(self, device_information) -> Iterator[TrainState]: """Train iteration""" # Try to load a checkpoint if self.context.load_bestcheckpoint(self.max_epochs): yield self.context.state # Get an iterator over batches iter = self.trainer.iter_batches() while True: # Step to the next epoch self.context.nextepoch() # Train for an epoch with tqdm( leave=False, total=self.steps_per_epoch, ncols=100, desc=f"Train - epoch #{self.context.epoch}", ) as pbar: # Put the model into training mode (just in case) self.context.state.model.train() # Epoch: loop over batches metrics = Metrics() for b in range(self.steps_per_epoch): # Get the next batch batch = next(iter) self.context.nextbatch() while True: try: # Computes the gradient, takes a step and collect metrics with self.context.step(metrics): # Call the hook epoch hook foreach( self.context.hooks(StepTrainingHook), lambda hook: hook.before(self.context), ) # Computes the gradient with torch.autocast( device_information.device.type, enabled=self.use_fp16, ): self.trainer.process_batch(batch) # Update metrics and counter pbar.update(1) break except RecoverableOOMError: logger.warning( "Recoverable OOM detected" " - re-running the training step" ) continue foreach( self.context.hooks(StepTrainingHook), lambda hook: hook.after(self.context), ) # Yields the current state (after one epoch) yield self.context.state # Report metrics over the epoch self.context.state.step, self.context.writer, "train", )