from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Iterator, Any
from experimaestro import Param, Config
import torch
import numpy as np
from import DocumentStore, TextItem, create_record
from xpmir.letor import Random
from xpmir.letor.records import DocumentRecord, PairwiseRecord, ProductRecords
from xpmir.letor.samplers import BatchwiseSampler, PairwiseSampler
from xpmir.utils.iter import RandomSerializableIterator, SerializableIterator
[docs]class DocumentSampler(Config, ABC):
"""How to sample from a document store"""
documents: Param[DocumentStore]
def __call__(self) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Iterator[DocumentRecord]]:
"""Returns an indicative number of samples and an iterator"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[DocumentRecord]:
"""Shorthand method that directly returns an iterator"""
_, iter = self()
return iter
[docs]class HeadDocumentSampler(DocumentSampler):
"""A basic sampler that iterates over the first documents
if max_count is 0, it iterates over all documents
max_count: Param[int] = 0
"""Maximum number of documents (if 0, no limit)"""
max_ratio: Param[float] = 0
"""Maximum ratio of documents (if 0, no limit)"""
def __call__(self) -> Tuple[int, Iterator[DocumentRecord]]:
count = (self.max_ratio or 1) * self.documents.documentcount
if self.max_count > 0:
count = min(self.max_count, count)
count = int(count)
return count, self.iter(count)
def iter(self, count):
for _, document in zip(range(count), self.documents.iter_documents()):
yield document
[docs]class RandomDocumentSampler(DocumentSampler):
"""A basic sampler that iterates over the first documents
Either max_count or max_ratio should be non null
max_count: Param[int] = 0
"""Maximum number of documents (if 0, no limit)"""
max_ratio: Param[float] = 0
"""Maximum ratio of documents (if 0, no limit)"""
random: Param[Optional[Random]]
"""Random sampler"""
def __call__(self) -> Tuple[int, Iterator[str]]:
# Compute the number of documents to sample
count = (self.max_ratio or 1) * self.documents.documentcount
if self.max_count > 0:
count = min(self.max_count, count)
count = int(count)
return count, self.iter(count)
def iter(self, count) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Iterate over the documents"""
state = np.random.RandomState() if self.random is None else self.random.state
docids = state.choice(
np.arange(self.documents.documentcount), size=count, replace=False
for docid in docids:
yield self.documents.document_int(int(docid))
[docs]class RandomSpanSampler(BatchwiseSampler, PairwiseSampler):
"""This sampler uses positive samples coming from the same documents
and negative ones coming from others
Allows to (pre)-train as in co-condenser:
L. Gao and J. Callan, “Unsupervised Corpus Aware Language Model
Pre-training for Dense Passage Retrieval,” arXiv:2108.05540 [cs],
Aug. 2021, Accessed: Sep. 17, 2021. [Online].
documents: Param[DocumentStore]
"""The document store to use"""
max_spansize: Param[int] = 1000
"""Maximum span size in number of characters"""
def get_text_span(self, text, random):
# return the two spans of text
spanlen = min(self.max_spansize, len(text) // 2)
max_start1 = len(text) - spanlen * 2
start1 = random.randint(0, max_start1) if max_start1 > 0 else 0
end1 = start1 + spanlen
if start1 > 0 and text[start1 - 1] != " ":
start1 = text.find(" ", start1) + 1
if text[end1] != " ":
end1 = text.rfind(" ", 0, end1)
max_start2 = len(text) - spanlen
start2 = random.randint(end1, max_start2) if max_start2 > end1 else end1
end2 = start2 + spanlen
if text[start2 - 1] != " ":
start2 = text.find(" ", start2) + 1
if text[end2 - 1] != " ":
end2 = text.rfind(" ", 0, end2)
# Rejet wrong samples
if end2 <= start2 or end1 <= start1:
return None
return (text[start1:end1], text[start2:end2])
def pairwise_iter(self) -> SerializableIterator[PairwiseRecord, Any]:
def iter(random: np.random.RandomState):
iter = self.documents.iter_sample(lambda m: random.randint(0, m))
while True:
record_pos_qry = next(iter)
text_pos_qry = record_pos_qry[TextItem].text
spans_pos_qry = self.get_text_span(text_pos_qry, random)
record_neg = next(iter)
text_neg = record_neg[TextItem].text
spans_neg = self.get_text_span(text_neg, random)
if not (spans_pos_qry and spans_neg):
yield PairwiseRecord(
create_record(text=spans_neg[random.randint(0, 2)]),
return RandomSerializableIterator(self.random, iter)
def batchwise_iter(
self, batch_size: int
) -> SerializableIterator[ProductRecords, Any]:
def iterator(random: np.random.RandomState):
# Pre-compute relevance matrix
relevances = torch.diag(torch.ones(batch_size, dtype=torch.float))
iter = self.documents.iter_sample(lambda m: random.randint(0, m))
while True:
batch = ProductRecords()
while len(batch) < batch_size:
record = next(iter)
text = record.text
res = self.get_text_span(text, random)
if not res:
yield batch
return RandomSerializableIterator(self.random, iterator)