Generic helpers

class xpmir.papers.helpers.PaperExperiment(*, id: str = '???', title: str = '', description: str = '')[source]

Bases: object

description: str

A description of the model

This description is used to generate reports

id: str

The experiment ID

The ID should be unique, and might be used when exporting the model e.g. to HuggingFace

title: str

The model title

The title is used to generate report

class xpmir.papers.helpers.NeuralIRExperiment(*, id: str = '???', title: str = '', description: str = '', gpu: bool = True, seed: int = 0)[source]

Bases: PaperExperiment

Settings most neural IR experiments

gpu: bool

Use GPU for computation

seed: int

The seed used for experiments

class xpmir.papers.helpers.LauncherSpecification(*, requirements: str)[source]

Bases: object

Launcher specification

This allows requesting computational resources such as 2 GPUs with more than 12Go of memory)