Source code for

from typing import Any, List, Optional, Dict
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import click
import inspect
import io

import docstring_parser
from experimaestro import RunMode, Config
from xpmir.evaluation import EvaluationsCollection
from xpmir.models import XPMIRHFHub
from xpmir.papers.results import PaperResults
from xpmir.experiments import ExperimentHelper

class UploadToHub:
    def __init__(self, model_id: Optional[str], doc: docstring_parser.Docstring):
        self.model_id = model_id
        self.doc = doc

    def send_scorer(
        models: Dict[str, Config],
        evaluations: Optional[EvaluationsCollection] = None,
        tb_logs: Dict[str, Path],
        add_des: str = "",
        """Upload the scorer(s) to the HuggingFace Hub

        :param models: The models to upload, each with a key
        :param tb_logs: The tensorboard logs
        :param evaluations: Models evaluations, defaults to None
        :param add_des: Extra documentation, defaults to ""
        if self.model_id is None:

        out = io.StringIO()
library_name: xpmir


        out.write("\n## Using the model")
The model can be loaded with [experimaestro

```py from xpmir.models import AutoModel
from xpmir.models import AutoModel

# Model that can be re-used in experiments
model, init_tasks = AutoModel.load_from_hf_hub("{self.model_id}")

# Use this if you want to actually use the model
model = AutoModel.load_from_hf_hub("{self.model_id}", as_instance=True)
model.rsv("walgreens store sales average", "The average Walgreens salary ranges...")

        assert len(models) == 1, "Cannot deal with more than one variant"
        ((key, model),) = list(models.items())

        if evaluations is not None:
            out.write("\n## Results\n\n")
            evaluations.output_model_results(key, file=out)

        readme_md = out.getvalue()"Uploading to HuggingFace Hub")
        XPMIRHFHub(model, readme=readme_md, tb_logs=tb_logs).push_to_hub(
            repo_id=self.model_id, config={}

[docs]class IRExperimentHelper(ExperimentHelper): def run(self, extra_args: List[str], configuration: Any): @click.option("--upload-to-hub", type=str) @click.command() def cli(upload_to_hub: str): results = self.callable(self, configuration) self.xp.wait() if isinstance(results, PaperResults) and self.xp.run_mode == RunMode.NORMAL: if upload_to_hub is not None: if configuration.title == "" and configuration.description == "": doc = docstring_parser.parse(self.callable.__doc__) else: doc = f"# {configuration.title}\n{configuration.description}" upload = UploadToHub(upload_to_hub, doc) upload.send_scorer( results.models, evaluations=results.evaluations, tb_logs=results.tb_logs, ) print(results.evaluations.to_dataframe()) # noqa: T201 return cli(extra_args, standalone_mode=False)
[docs]def ir_experiment(*args, **kwargs): """Wraps an experiment into an IR experiment 1. Upload to github (if requested) 2. Print the results """ if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and inspect.isfunction(args[0]): return IRExperimentHelper(callable) def wrapper(callable): return IRExperimentHelper(callable) return wrapper